Privacy Policy:

1. Smile+ is owned, run, and managed by Smile Plus, Kolkata in India. Before proceeding to avail of our health-related service, we always encourage every visitor to go through and understand the terms and conditions carefully and agree to them to avoid any unwanted situations. By using this website, you inevitably agree to all the terms and conditions it discusses.
2. If you wish to avoid being bound by these Terms and Conditions for using this website or the Site’s business, there should be no access to or use of any materials thereon. All rights are reserved to Smile Plus as to the law regarding the change, edit, or modification of these terms and conditions at any time without notice. We monitor formalities and completion for the implementation of the terms to be effective upon the modification. within the Site. However, should the same deviate about such additional terms and conditions or restrictions, these Terms may take precedence over that specific section.
3. Use of Materials on this Site

Material, content, and other information are available on our website as intended for creating and disseminating the Site for potential visitors only. There is no effort or meaning to ask for new clients or patrons or new engagements from existing customers; use this website.

Smile Plus does everything legitimate to maintain this website for your personal information, teaching, and communication. We allow every visitor or user of this website to feel free to browse our Site. All materials on our Site, including artwork, graphics, photographs, video and audio clips, text and other forms of content, and trademarks, are the individual property of Smile Plus and its collaborators and licensors.
Subject as it is with terms: Copy, repeat, and post material from this Site according to:
    • The specific content is reproduced verbatim in its entirety in its pristine form; you shall not edit or otherwise alter, nor in any way modify or delete, any patent, trademark, or other ownership notices;
    • All copies will have the statement that the content copied was from Smile+ with permission from the authorities of Smile Plus Health;
    • The copies are used only for non-profitable educational or social distance policy purposes provided that all of these conditions are met that this term of use allows or permits. By creating this non-exclusive, non-transferable license, Smile Plus permits you to use the materials of our Site in whatever manner you see fit.

Unless expressly stated elsewhere, these restrict you from copying, reproducing, distributing, editing, publicly displaying, and creating derivative works from, republishing, redistributing, or otherwise using the content of our Site without any written permission or authorization from Smile Plus Health. You might obtain such permission or authorization from our authorities who can be contacted at the address available on our website.

Except as herein provided, No Right or License is to anyone under any intellectual property right from Smile Plus. Modifying or using the Materials for any other purpose is a desecration of copyright and other proprietary rights that Smile Plus owns.

Images/photographs of people or places displayed on our website are either secured by or used with the consent of Smile Plus. This is to say all the prohibitions concerning the use of the photographs by you or any person duly authorized by you. However, these are specific prohibitions as prescribed under these Terms and Conditions or with clear permission from the website. The illegal or unlawful use of these images is termed and treated as a violation of our trademark, copyright, and laws of privacy and publicity. Legal formalities may be initiated against the violators for such or any other violation.
4. Security
This website is fortified with systems to prevent loss, misappropriation, mismanagement, and erroneous alteration government of the informants in our command. Nevertheless, this is a private site, and Smile Plus does not guarantee access to its information according to the confines of our Privacy Policy.
5. Posted Materials

Smile Plus at this moment, prevents every use of the website submissions, uploads, or creates and publishing of posts to our forums any content

  • which violates, insults, or attacks the privacy of any individual from that place- or is obscene, pornographic, abusive, or threatening;
  • trespasses any knowledgeably owned possessions or other right by any person or entity, including but not limited to violating another’s copyrights or trademarks;
  • invents or removes author ascription, lawful advertisement, or other property designation;
  • disrupts any law related to violations of all types;
  • asks for or inspires people to get involved in any illicit activities;
  • Apprehends viruses, spoiled files, or other materials that may cause any dangerous evil to happen to the computer people may use in such a situation.
  • Advertises or implores funds or sales of goods or services.
6. Connected or Outbound Links
Smile Plus does not update all the websites to link to this Site, and the Site is not responsible for any privacy policies or contents on any off-site pages or other sites linked to this Site, including those relating to Smile Plus Health. Such sites are merely convenient for you to access and do so at your own risk. Smile Plus makes no representation or warranties regarding the correctness or functioning of any such link. Just because another website is linked to our Site does not mean that Smile Plus approves of the other Site’s owner, his Site’s content, or their products or services.
The Manifold Boundaries Of Smile Plus.

Resources and information on this website are purely for educational and advertising purposes. One uses and browses this Site at risk because it usually provides general medical information about various conditions. The data and knowledge provided here are to be processed only as information. However, due to engineering inaccuracies or other types of errors, the content of this website does include them. Smile Plus does not hold that the intended purposes in the materials at Smile+ will always be uninterrupted or error-free or that any errors will be corrected.

Apart from this, Smile Plus makes no warranty or any representations related to the use or the results of the use of the materials on our Site under the conditions of their accuracy, correctness, dependence, or otherwise in any way. In no event will Smile Plus Health be liable to you for less than the dollar amount, if any, you paid to access the Site, for all damages, losses, and causes of transaction actions including but not limited to negligence because of such access or use of this Site.

Restitution or Redressal!

You must indemnify, defend, and hold harmless “Smile Plus Health” and its designated officers, directors, stockholders, employees, affiliates, and agents from and against all damages, losses, and costs, including attorney’s fees, arising from the improper use of any materials or any breach by you of these terms and conditions, including obscene relocations, patent and symbol infringement, and online defamation.

Void Where Prohibited.

This Site is intended to comply with the regulations of India. Smile Plus reserves all rights to restrict the facilities of the products or services to the ownership of any person. It is deemed void, therefore, for any proposal by this website for any product or service made on this website; thus, any unlawful offer for any service or product made on any Third Party by another website will also be fully void for the same reason.

Non-Confidential Information

Any messages or other communications you send us online or post on the website electronically may include questions, suggestions, or comments. Smile Plus will become free to use any such ideas or dedicated procedures that may be contained in your online communication for any purposes, including constructing, marketing, and manufacturing products and services.

User’s Access

Smile Plus may henceforth cancel or revoke your admission to the website at any time and for whatever reason at its discretion that it reserves. The requirements to relinquish warranty and the correctness of content and modifications shall survive such revocation. Smile Plus is free to monitor access to the website.

Legal Clause on Intellectual Property

All content and materials utilized in this Site are 100 percent private property of Smile Plus Health. This website’s audio, video, software, images, text, and graphics belong to Smile Plus Health. Without Smile Plus’s previous written consent or authorization, no measurable information or material can be reproduced, copied, modified, uploaded, republished, transmitted, posted, or disseminated. All rights are reserved. Illegal usage of these materials on this Site can violate patents, trademarks, logos, or any other appropriate laws and may lead to criminal or civil liability. “Smile Plus Health” is a trademark of the owners and operators of the business Smile Plus.

Usage Of Materials On This Website

This website is neither nor should be construed as an offer for sale in jurisdictions where such offer is prohibited by patent law or other pharmaceutical laws, rules, and regulations in such jurisdictions.

These provisions will be interpreted and governed by the laws of India. As far as applicable, every delivery of these terms will be understood to be proper and valid under applicable law and should be read accordingly; if any provision in question is deemed illegal or unenforceable under the applicable law, it shall be invalid to the extent of such prohibition without invalidating the remainder of that provision.

At the complete discretion of Smile Plus, we reserve the right to make this website available and usable to the people who need our services for all their dental and oral health. We are always ready to help our clients who are ready to abide by the provisions mentioned in this Privacy Declaration. Do reach us at your convenience if you have any queries about this declaration.

Call us or send us your queries at